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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

8/29/2007 12:40:00 PM Y

Post title : Diary
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Diary :[x]

Yesterday, I happened to come across my pink diary which I have left untouched for two months plus.

Intended to throw it away but after flipping through the pages, I felt memories coming back. Those sweet words of dedication.. etc

How much I need him in my life =(

Wrote an entry in it.. yet..

I no longer feel the same way as I felt in the past when I'm writing my diary.




He is not clear of how much he needs me I supposed?

Cos he can never be sure to give me a firm answer.

Well, maybe it is my fault that everything turned out to be like this.

What's more to ask for when the one you love is still keeping you in his heart and caring for you?

I just thought for myself - not wanting to feel so alone with no bf by my side whenever I go out and was questioned by my friends bout where is HIM?

I just felt.. i don't know hw to put it into words..

You know how envy I am whenever I see Tif and Fadz ALWAYS together when I see them??

You know how much I wish he was there with me when I saw my Cine friends together as couples?

I know I'm asking a lil too much..

I know he's busy and stuff like that..
I'm sorry boy..

Anyway, he managed to come find me at Batok Mac where I was studying for my SS paper which i took just now.

I'm more than happy to see him!!! =D

He can't bear to leave I think?? hehes.

But he's too tired so after a while he left.

Even so, we kissed and hugged goodbye.

Felt really sweet and blessed at that moment.

But.. well.. i can't possibly freeze time right?? hmm..

He's stillc aring for me.. and he said I'm always in his heart..

Felt really really happy !

okok.. I guess I'll stop here.. shall update soon again. =I hope=

No one can make my heart skip that extra beat,
Like how you did when I see you smile.

No one can make my heart paused for that few seconds,
Like how you did when I see you cry.

Wayne was in love with Boy,
Yet she had no confident in winning his heart for he is too popular among


Thursday, August 23, 2007

8/23/2007 07:52:00 PM Y

Post title : Tchers' day prep
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Teachers' Day Prep :[x]

Today after class was dismissed, replied BOYFRIEND that I'll be staying in class.

She appeared before my eyes few minutes later. Lols.


Accompanied her down to canteen cos she wanna EXCUSE herself from NAPFA retest. haiyoyo..

Someone OVER-donate blood this month. HAHA! xD

Anyway, this was what BOYFRIEND wrote for me!!!!! Kekes.

SO happy la!!! hahas.

Know how TOUCHED I am?! buahahahhas.

Ok.. shall blog again some other day. That's all for today LOL =D

Once upon a time,
there lived a pretty girl called WAYNE xD

Continue 'catching' the story! ^-^


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

8/21/2007 05:50:00 PM Y

Post title : Happy Happy
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Happy Happy :[x]

Yesterday, he never call me. And when I realised, he was already at home.
Well, no big deal for him not to call me. BUT..!!! He used to call me everytime while on his way back. However, after I admit my wrong.. he never call me .


On my way back today, HUBBY CALLED ME!!!

And he sounded SO SWEET la!!! hahahs. So so happy!!!!! xD

I thought after that incident, Hubby will start to treat me cold cold..and really don't change and compromise lerhs.


But of course, he NEVER!! hehes.

I know he will still think of what I have done. I know accpeting fully is impossible. But I hope this 7 mths relationship will continue on til my last breath on earth. Will he move on with me in life??

Hmm..I simply love the sweetness of HUBBY!!! ^.^



Monday, August 20, 2007

8/20/2007 06:56:00 PM Y

Post title : Sorry Hubby..
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Sorry :[x]

Unhappiness again. This time solely my fault. Hubby, I'm sorry and I mean it..















My actions doesn't prove how much I need you. -but I know I do need you a lot

This time, I don't wanna use anymore tears to get you back.
I don't wanna force a love to return.
I've hurt you. Done something wrong. I seeked for your forgiveness .. but I know..
I know..























但风筝,可能不会再回来了。。 :'(


Saturday, August 18, 2007

8/18/2007 10:28:00 AM Y

Post title : I..
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: I.. :[x]

I don't like this feeling..
For all I've gone through..

I don't wanna give up..
I don't wanna end
I don't wanna let go
And I don't wanna stop

These voices within call
Those thoughts they corrupt

I can't stand it
I can't take it
I'm so lost.

Those smiles and laughter, tears and sadness..
They mark the love we hold
The history of our story
Yet distance kept us a lil apart.

I never wanna lose you..
And I never wanna let you go...

so Boy,
Show me how much I mean to you..


Thursday, August 16, 2007

8/16/2007 10:15:00 PM Y

Post title : [x]: Walk Walk Walkaton :[x]
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Walk Walk Walkaton :[x]

Supposedly to stay back after Physics lessons which ended at 4.10 pm today for Humanes.

Au Yong left two SBQ ws for us to do as she will not be coming to our class.

Not wanting to stay a lil longer in school, I asked Hazique to pass me the ws first.

As expected, finished the two WS and left after Lim's lesson. =)

Saw XiaoTing when on my way down the stairs. Shouted from the glass planes and told her to wait for me!! ahhas

She was in good spirits and thus decided to go somewhere else instead of heading straight home together.

Suggested Khatib cos I wanna eat NEW YORK PIZZA!!
It's a 2 people serving if you're not a big appetite person. Plus a can of drink and one chicken(Spicy or non-spicy)

Everything for only S$6.90!!

Isn't it all worthwhile?? hahas.

Finished the Hawaiian Pizza and shared half of the chicken. Ting suggested to WALK BACK to ADMIRALTY!!

Yes, my first reaction was no doubt..

0.0" WHAT?! Siao ar! Don't want la!

Yet after the going to the ladies'...

We are WALKING BACK!!! Lolx.

Chatted, laughed, walked, brisk walked, sang a lil, run a bit, etc.
It was REALLY enjoyable though. hahas

Walked for seemingly short 2 HOURS! x)

Think during some parts of the route, where there won't probably be anyone walking on unless joggers, drivers or passengers would most likely think we're mad I suppose?? Hahas!

A lil attract unwanted attention la! GOSH.

And there we were joking around that we should tell those people that we were being kidnapped and just managed to climb out of the fence.
You know those fence where they say it is prohibited and intruders will be prosecuted?? It has the round wire thingy on top right?? hahas.

By the way, decided to study awhile at CWP's MOS Burger before going home.

Tidied ourselves in the toilet and I keep complaining that the COLOUR of my SKIN is NOT NICE!!! Yucks!!!!*puke*

I'm so damn irritated by this awful colour la.. Idiot. LOLS

Should I let it return to its original fairness or should I go tan a lil darker and even the tone??? Hmmm..

Come on and gimme ideas and suggestions!! whahahhas

Studied SS cos there's test tml. Quite a long and big chapter to me. Lots of factors. argghhh!!!

Ok, brain should rest..

Kissed and hugged goodbye at about 940pm.

Home Sweet Home~ ^-^

I had a good walk, a good workout.
Wayne is HAPPY!! xD


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

8/15/2007 09:44:00 PM Y

Post title : My Only Love
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: My Only Love :[x]















Boy, I just wanna love YOU <33


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

8/14/2007 08:40:00 PM Y

Post title : ETP
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Escape Theme Park :[x]

Didn't expect to get BURNT. Lols

Pictures taken from the official site of ETP.

These are roughly what we played. Didn't play much though. lols
All cos of the three DOWN FOR MECHANICAL CHECKS !!! arghhhh!!!

The most fun and exciting among all are close!!!!! DAMN!! >.<
Small lil toot toot train.

We wanted to take one for each person. But there's other people in the queue so.. no choice! gotta SQUEEZE!
And there was this young Eng-speaking boy who kept talking. hahas.
I bet XT can't take lil kids cos she was super pissed and told him to shut up in hokkien.
Bad sial LOls.

-had few rides for the advance track.
-two rides for beginner
[1st I drove and Tracy sat beside me. 1nd time I sat as the passenger with xiuting driving hahas]

Wild n Wet

Played for continuous 3 rounds. Each time with a different person. hahas
Partnering with XT wasn't a good idea. I wasn't that WET but after the ride with her.. yea yea..
My back is WET la!!! =.="
All thanks to her. hahas

Hmmm.. had fun but well, was starting to feel signs of gastric approaching!!! x(

Went to play go-kart hoping to forget the pain.

After the last third ride of the NIGHT(we played more than three times to be actual),
I can feel my gastric WORSEN la!!! Oh dear~~`

Luckily I need NOT stand all the way..

Laid and rested throughout the whole ride. Thought it would be fine when I get off the train. BUT things turned out to be the OPP!

I really curse so much for that seemingly L O N G path back home which I normally take 5-10 mins.

I knew I'm not gonna make it back home in that usual timing from past exp. =(

Squated and then stood up and continued walking.
Repeated action.


Seriously hate having gastric. Wasn't feeling good AT ALL~

Well, But i do have ppl caringfor me. Friends and my dearest man =)

I'm DARKER!!! Gosh..

Should I go "bleach" myself back to fair?? 0.o??

Still kinda red though. But I LIKE RED!! haha xD


Sunday, August 12, 2007

8/12/2007 08:42:00 AM Y

Post title : [x]: Saturday Town :[x]

You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Saturday Town :[x]

As usual, town is PACKED!

Well, partly due to the cosplay thingy.
Photographers and those 'characters' everywhere.
Girls wore high high heels that suit their costume. hmmm.. some nice outfits but.. well, figure or looks wise.. uhmmm.. no comments. GOD is FAIR enough to EVERYONE~! Except for a few exceptionals. =D

Went to Taka with Dearie (Pearl) after rotting awhile at Cine.

Dearie bought her packed lunch at Tori and we headed to find a place to sit.

BUT!!! There is a fair at the centre!! I mean.. some sort of a atrium?? Whatever.. out of vocabs =X

Anyway, CRAZY prices!!! Saw many many people holding piles and piles of TOYS!!!

Pearl and I bought the same soft toy for only THREE bucks!!!! whahhahahas
It's CUTE ok?! ^_^

Exchanged it with Pearl later on before she left. Exchange cause yea?? hahas. How sweet of her.. x)

Met up with Tracy and Douglas was seriously pissed by that girl who dirtied his 100 over Bucks CONVERSE Jacket which he JUST washed.

That jac can't be washed too frequently.. quite troublesome though. That's why he's in such a foul mood!!

After eating his dinner - Carrot Cake, we headed to ARCADE!!

There, saw some other friends.. and Sebast (Sister) was there too. Together with PeiLing(his Ex, my used-to-be gan mummy)

Not waiting them to finish up the games, I told them I gotta leave cos it's already ten plus.
TRACY this silly girl DON'T let me gola!! =.="

Give me some pathetic face. LOL
Hugged goodbyes to sister, douglas and Kiss+Hug goodbye to my SILLY GIRLFRIEND! xD

I'm meeting her SOON!!

ESCAPE THEME PARK is waiting!!!=D

Boy, you know how much I miss you right?
I wanna be with you til my last breath..


Saturday, August 11, 2007

8/11/2007 01:18:00 PM Y

Post title : Jus Too good afterall
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Jus Too good afterall :[x]

Went town yesterday.. and.. I finally had my 'day-dream' come true!!!

Picking up someone's wallet that is.

Well, entered the cubicle which Tracy's friend was in just before.

Saw her cigarette case and wallet. I thought she would like realise after she wash her hand but she didn't! She happily went out of the Ladies' lah! =.="
How forgetful can one be??

Anyway, I'm really proud of myself sial!
I didn't have the second thought of keeping the valuables !!
All I did was open up her wallet to see her name and shout out to Tracy where's HUILING?!

I wanna see her name cos I don't wna end up asking Tracy..

Me: Whr's that girl?? Your friend.. the one withe your aj friends de..

Tracy: *wuueehh?!* (that's e recent noise she make. lols)

Me: neh.. that girl.. err.. aiya..

I just don't wna see that blur tracy giving me a question mark question mark face?? 0.0?????- *wuueehh!* =.=

Am thinking bout this incident til now.
I don't know how much was in her wallet but I think if I were to have keeped it, I most prob can at least get some small lil items for myself ba? - if her wallet have the amt for me to I suppose?

Ok.. waiting for Dad to cook lunch. Meeting my girls and BOYFRIEND later at town.

Hey guys! There's cosplay competition going on!!

I wna go snap snap photos with some chio and shuai cosplay ppl!! whahahahhaahs xD

Shall blog again ba. Tata~~







Friday, August 10, 2007

8/10/2007 10:13:00 AM Y

Post title : To BOYFRIEND:
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: SHE don't want me :[x]

-SHE told me I promised her we will be meeting
and yet I went out with Ting to study WITHOUT her.
-SHE blogged that she was UNHAPPY cos someone(me) did not go out with her.
-SHE replied in tagbox, ahh-ing that she wanna SHA LE WO *kill me*
-SHE never say she forgive me when I beg for it.
-SHE never tag in my tagbox anymore.
-SHE never sms me calling me.
-SHE never say she loves me to me le.
-SHE made me feel so SAD.


Lols. Sound so les.. eeeeeeeeek~!

Anyway, yuan liang wo la!!!!!!!

See I so wu xim lehs.. blog one post specially for u !

Gan dong gan dong~~~~ xD

And there you go ignoring me..
Leaving me worrying here :'(


Thursday, August 09, 2007

8/09/2007 10:26:00 PM Y

Post title : Happy N.Day!
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Happy NAtional Day! :[x]

Spent my day at ECP with my dearest man! xD

I think I was quite crazy?? Hmmm.. Or am I REALLY so? hahahahahs.

Anyway, said HI to long gone friend - FILLET-O-FISH MEAL!!!! =D

Whahahahs. I seriously eat alot when I'm creating the second Redhill yea? ahhahahs! >.<>BANANA ppl(blacks or browns dressing in uniform YELLOW shirt)

-Saw quite a few CUTE dogs.. and a furless schnauzer =.=" (why get rid of his fur sial grrrr)

-Saw Ang Mohs

-Saw a guy of around teen age, LEARNING to ride a two wheeled bicycle with ther aid of his friend.

-Saw Castles!!!! (You know there's this tower with some ppl looking after one?? Damn man! E castle they build nice la!!! )

-Saw SG's First Cable Ski. Competition going on.

-Saw our destination NOT far away! =D

BUT, we headed BACK! hahas Bought my SUBWAY cookies and a PINK DOLPHIN drink. Boarded the bus and HOME SWEET HOME.

Saw crowds while on the bus passing by Esplanade.

Nice view.. Nice COLOUR? -.- *red red red*

Didn't manage to view any fireworks this year cos there ain't anyone ELSE that I wna watch it with.

He'll be the one next to me next and consecutive ND..! ^^v

I simply ENJOYED myself to the core!!!!! No much quarrels or unhappiness..

Anyway, Hubby sing Jolin Tsai's 你还爱我吗 sing til damn funny la!!! *Hubby should know what I'm talking abt hor?*

hahas.. Thanks for making such a wonderful day Hubby!! Muacks Muacks.

And all those heartfelt words.. it moved my heart<33

You Make Me Wanna Love You More


8/09/2007 12:16:00 PM Y

Post title : [x]: 爱情方程式 :[x]
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: 爱情方程式 :[x]

等待一段没有结果的爱情 = 悲伤 + 痛苦 + 失望

等待一个还爱你的人 = 甜蜜 + 苦涩

等待一个还爱你却看似没结果的爱情 = 悲伤 + 痛苦 + 失望 + 甜蜜 + 苦涩





When will you ever realise
all I want is your initiative?

I'm so drained by all these tears and heartaches.
Why don't you just make things clear..


8/09/2007 08:09:00 AM Y

Post title : Morning revision
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Early Bird! :[x]

Woke up early in the morning and did revision for my Social Studies! Maybe cos I bought a small notebook for it?? Hmmm.. hahas.

Well, was listening to songs at the same time and thoughts of him did appear in my mind.









Wednesday, August 08, 2007

8/08/2007 09:01:00 PM Y

Post title : [x]: Chips and Parts Of Songs - Dedicated to HIM :[x]
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Chips and Parts Of Songs - Dedicated to HIM :[x]

Baby won't you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes?
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
Love is one big illusion
I should try to forget
But there is something left in my head
I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feelings so strong and were lasting for so long

If the hero never comes to you
If you need someone you're feeling blue
If you're away from love and you're alone
If you call your friends and nobody's home
You can run away but you can't hide
Through a storm and through a lonely night
Then I show you there's a destiny
The best things in life
They're free

But if you wanna cry
Cry on my shoulder
If you need someone who cares for you
If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder
Yes I show you what real love can do

If your sky is grey oh let me know
There's a place in heaven where we'll go
If heaven is a million years away
Oh just call me and I make your day
When the nights are getting cold and blue
When the days are getting hard for you
I will always stay here by your side
I promise you I'll never hide

So far away
I wish you were here
Before it’s too late
This could all disappear
Before the doors close
And it comes to an end
With you by my sideI will fight and defend

I never felt nothing in the world like this before
Now I'm missing you
And I'm wishing that you would come back through my door

With you not around it's a little bit more then I can stand
And all my tears they keep running down my face

baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do I'll wait for you

As long as stars shine down from heaven
And the rivers run into the sea
Til the end of time forever
You're the only love I'll need

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cried
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it ok
I miss you

My Dearest Boy,
I know I wanna make you mine..
But I'm not gonna push..
I Love You.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

8/07/2007 07:05:00 PM Y

Post title : Let Go.
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: 放生 :[x]

Perhaps, it's really time to just let go ba?
I admit it hurts.. a lot a lot..

But we still hope the best for each other right?





他会在我的未来里。- 一个很重要很重要的位置!




Sunday, August 05, 2007

8/05/2007 10:22:00 PM Y

Post title : [x]: HomeMovie.GirlStudy.HugeAppetite.SafeHomeSweetHome :[x]
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: HomeMovie.GirlStudy.HugeAppetite.SafeHomeSweetHome :[x]

Watched NANA the movie on Crunchyroll this morning while waiting for XiaoTing to call me cos we decided to meet up for revisions.

NaNa is really a nice movie!! Didn't read any of its anime/manga but think it would be nice bahs? hahas.

Shall update the translated version soon. =)

Met up with mei(XiaoTing) at around 12 plus 1. We both wear LONG SKIRT today!!!! whahahahhas.

Indeed, we look TOO matured but.. who cares?!

We gotta be UNIQUE at times~? hahas.

Boyfriend not used to seeing us so.. and she keep giving bad comments la! Idiotic. LOL xP- But I Still love You Boyfriend!

Did my math and chemistry homework. Didn't manage to finish everything but still.. I DID something ok? Better than nothing!! buahahahas xD

Oh ya.. needa comment on what I've eaten today!! Lols.
This is a list of the food that went into my stomach from morning til night(in sequence):


1) Red Bean Paste
2) A Cup of HL Milk
3) Two Small Biscuits
4) Two Slices of Toasted Bread With Cheese and Luncheon Meat


5) A cup of Papaya Milk
6) Two bars of Oats and Honey (in a packet)
7) Foodcourt's Cheese Fries (shared with BF and Mei)
8) 1 Subway's Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
9) A can of Grass Jelly
10) Sweets


11) 1 Hotdog and cut wuxiang
12) One Biscuit
14) Green Apple
13) Green Tea

That's all! Lols.. Sure a HUGE appetite today man!!
And know what I got cravings for so many food la!!!

Doughnut, Thai Food, ShiLin Chicken, Gelare's Waffle, etc etc =X

Anyway, officer sent me home today again. Was the second time he escort me back home le. THANKS YA!! ^^

At least having someone trustworthy to send me can ensure a safe home trip yea? hehes.

Hubby went Sentosa today. Hope he had fun bah :)

I really miss him loads.. But.. hahas.. nvm..

By the way, officer text me asking if I'm free this coming week to meet out one day?? Hmm.. hubby won't be asking me out anyway. So.. yupps. Just plain friends going out so peeps don't luan luan say or think neh! ^^v

I love my hubby still. hahas

k la.. I go rest le.. shall blog again! nite nite!


Saturday, August 04, 2007

8/04/2007 10:04:00 PM Y

Post title :
You'll never know the real me.


但过了一段时间,感情也许会变得越来越浓,也许会渐渐淡掉 。。



更不用说‘天长地久’ 。



曾经的海誓山盟, 又应验多少次呢?

Was blog-hopping when I realised that LOVE evolves around most human, creating unwanted or unbearable feelings.
There were people who love someone but dare not confess, fearing that that will make matter worse. Simply put, that person they secretly hold an affection for will supposedly ignore or avoid him/her after the confession, right or wrong? - You decide.

Some other ones are those who lost their love, yet yearning it to come back. Like me in the past when he left for that miserable two weeks.
I wasn't feeling good at all times.
Cos I know, he occupied the whole of my mind.
I allowed my emotions and feelings to control over me.
Yet again and again I broke down with nothing in return.

And so, I started to live happier.
Believing in the love we once had will find its place to settle.
Then, two weeks later, it came back to where it belongs.
He came back to me.

I'm NOT saying that if you believe it, it WILL definitely happen.
I'm just trying to imply that, love causes heartbreaks and sadness, instilling pain and hurt. However, it is LOVE that embraced us, that guided us along, that taught us more about this world. Isn't it?

It showed you how beautiful this world is yet also the cruelty of life.
Separation that is.

Why not just love wholeheartedly? Faithfully? Life's short short short!!!!

You'll never have a lasting love if all you say are just sweet talks that came out simply from the mouth and not from the heart and voices within.

Promise? Forever? Please give me a break!
Indeed, we always hope for forever.
And there was this someone who once asked me..
"What's the definition for FOREVER?

Dictionary says:

"an endless or seemingly endless period of time"
"eternally; always"
yet again, what's "Always"? what's "Eternally"? What's that endless period of time?

Isn't it so vague? hmmm..

Just some comments:

Treasure what you have...
Time is too slow for those who wait;
Too swift for those who fear;
Too long for those who grief;
Too short for those who rejoice;
But for those who love...
Time is Eternity.

For all you out there with someone special in your heart,
cherish that person,
cherish every moment that you spend together that special someone,
for in life,
anything can happen anytime.
You may painfully regret,
only to realise that it is too late.

I won't say WE'll last,
cos I don't know.
I can predict NOTHING in the future.
And so, all I can say is..
"Til now, You're still my ONLY man."


8/04/2007 07:44:00 PM Y

Post title : [x]: Warm Night :[x]
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Warm Night :[x]

Hubby came over to my place yesterday midnight.
I slept well with HIM!!!! ^.^
Though not hug hug throughout the whole night, but I can still feel the warmth! hees.
I simply love closing my eyes happily with the fact that he is beside me and will 'send' me to my dreamland and opening my eyes first thing in the morning seeing him by my side sleeping soundly!

Some things may seem inferior or superficial but it might mean a lot to someone!

Hmmm.. BUT.. we both had WEIRD dreams!! >.<

Lols. It's not as if we both had a sweet nice n loving dream eh?? hahas..

My dream?? kinda distorted so I don't even know how to describe?
Wel, as for hubby, he told me he is DRIFTING on a HORSE, competing with others!!!!?????!??!?

Gosh~ He is really in a lala land! Lols..

Anyway, I helped hubby pluck his MOUSTACHE!!!!! Ooolalals~~~~ LOL
ONE conclusion:

SHAVERS can only do half of the job!
And hand plucking can help pluck out the remainin 3-quarter of the moustache leftovers! xP

Save the hassle or make it clean? YOU decide. =)

Hubby just went home not long. Hugged and kissed goodbye.

Hearts they bind
Never wanting to stop beating for the sake of the other
Voices they sound
Never wanting to stop saying "I Love You" to each other

For life is always short
For two lovers on Earth
To always be together
in the presence of each other

That when we found love
We rejoiced
We cherished
For time is never pausing or freezing
For anyone of us - be it You or Me

Your love sends me to that beautiful Utopia



W A Y N E - NingNing
Take Me For Whom I Portrayed To Be.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.

I'm the only witness
and the only person who can judge my life.

This is my blog so SCRAM if you hate it.


I don't wanna be COMPARED no more!

I wanna earn lotsa $$$

I wanna marry HIM and have his KIDS

I wanna live on my own - preferbly with my Boy

I wanna be RESPECTED

I wanna shop like a Rich Lady





MY Baby BOY - GlennHoCjinXieng

I prayed on that silent night for someone to share my life..and there you are..

Life is never gonna be the same ever since you entered into my life..

Obstacles that might come in our way, I believe we'll pull it through together

Vows and promises I made to you.. I swear they'll be true..

Ever since I have fallen so deep in love with you, I know I can't resist to love you more each day.

U are my future.. my love.. my ONLY one..

My Precious GIRLs :





big time SELFISH people

people who go for FACE and FIGURE

people who ALWAYS loves to JUDGE others
( occasional gossips are fine =D )








