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Thursday, March 29, 2007

3/29/2007 10:05:00 PM Y

Post title : [x]: Interesting Happening :[x]
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: 16 Bucks and a New Purse :[x]

A new purse marks the beginning of today’s chapter.
It is pink, it is free, and I like it. But most importantly, it was given by my sister! (Real sis I mean)
How happy can one be to receive something from his/her loved ones? (: I have long wanted to get a new purse as mine is already torn. However, I just cannot bear to spend on such as I thought the purse is still useable? Hahs
Anyway, I am really appreciative towards what my sis had done. Though we rarely talk much with each other, though we shouted/scolded at each other for using her things without permission but we are still blood related sister yup! Even if she does not like it, it is still a fact! Lols =P
I happily changed and transferred my cards, $$, etc to the new pink purse I received, got prepared and headed to school! Well, had P.E for the first two periods and we had a trial 2.4 km run. It was REALLY tiring ok?! I ran 13.58min. (Ok, as my dear had said when I mentioned it to him just now after school, round up to 14min then.) So what?! I did my part to RUN le mahs. I am definitely not a sporty type and I only love to PLAY! (Running is seriously tiring la) x) Conversely, the passing mark for girls is 17.01min, and hey man I ran 14min! I still passed, didn’t I?
Went up to class and had Math, Geography, recess…
After recess (coming to the inanity of SOMEONE), we had mother tongue lessons. I was busy doing my correction when I heard Esther (If I’m not wrong) sort of saying my name with a lil’ shock type? I knew something bad has happened. I turned and looked at Eugene, the super spastic fellow in my class. He looked a lil guilty with a very
勉强smile. He showed me a dismantled calculator. Wow! He definitely IS strong ‘cos he bent it and broke it with bare hands! OMG~

[Much or less to what I remember]
JY: 你拿谁的calculator?
Gene: huh? 我不知道 *呵呵* 我刚才问谁的没人应我吗。*呵呵*
JY/ME: 你有问meh?
Gene: 有!aiya, 那里可能是玮宁的?不是她的名字吗。
JY: 是不是什么Fiza 的?
Gene: 阿。。 真的是你的啊?(Talking to me)
Me: *smile at him* 阿buden ..

Whatever it is, I actually benefited ya! He promised to get me a new one at first but after much consideration, I told him to pay me cash (15 bucks which is 3 bucks lesser den buying it from school bookshop) I thought as I have gotten one extra calculator so turned to $$ instead! Hahas He gave me 16 instead cos he only got $2 and $10 notes eh? Lols

*Money into pocket* should thanks him for breaking my calculator ya! LMAO~
Had my dinner for free! THANKS GENE! X)


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

3/27/2007 06:50:00 PM Y

Post title : [x]: Your Turn :[x]
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Your Turn :[x]

今天早上,我收到你的简讯。你告诉我你也had a bad dream。你梦见我俩分开而你的眼泪也真真实实地留了下来。你告诉说:“我们都答应不要离开对方,不要让那些可怕的梦成为事实。”



Monday, March 26, 2007

3/26/2007 11:58:00 PM Y

Post title : Dream Unwanted.
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: 梦 :[x]



每一次刻意的去看你的friendster, 见到你又加了其他的女孩。你知道吗?每一次,都忍不住担心起来。你口口声声说爱我,但这份爱经得起考验吗?一段爱情,少了信任还值得去维持吗?因为妒忌心在作祟,我做不到。我做不到!





我想永远守护着这份爱- 你和我的爱,可以吗?


Sunday, March 25, 2007

3/25/2007 09:10:00 PM Y

Post title : [x]: 星星 :[x]
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: 星星 :[x]

虽然我至今仍搞不懂如何从星星中看出星座来(I’m not a meteorologist either),但我很喜欢它们。
有人说:“星星闪闪发亮,就像是在和我们打招呼。” 我想因该是这样没错吧!



It’s time I should get back to rest since I’m so tired. Hais... I’m going To starting my week of school again. Wish Mrs. Tee (referring to ME) will do our best! Nite everyone


3/25/2007 03:36:00 PM Y

Post title : [x]: 外表与内在 :[x]
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: 外表与内在 :[x]

• 马克吐温说:“人如果能摒弃虚伪,则会获得最大的心灵平静。”


一个长得帅气的人,有钱有车子,有人们口中的五个Cs。 这样就很了不起了吗?对,年轻有为,有本事,的确是了不起。但爱情不是讲求金钱、身份或地位。爱情无法利用任何东西来衡量。它是单纯的,是无可取代的。


每个女孩都不许渴望自己像童话世界里的灰姑娘 - 丢了玻璃鞋,然后王子找到了她,从此两人过着幸福、快乐的日子。





3/25/2007 12:53:00 PM Y

Post title : A Sad Poem Of THAT GIRL's past R/S
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: A Sad Poem Of THAT GIRL's past R/S :[x]






Everytime I close my eyes
I thought I got you…


Thursday, March 22, 2007

3/22/2007 11:04:00 PM Y

Post title : [x]: Love VS. Friendship :[x]
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Love VS. Friendship :[x]

If one is to say that friends are more important for they are the ones that will forever be with you, I could only say, I agree to a certain extent only.


“[Friends are forever. But Love, if it is gone, it is gone for good and will never come back.]” -(quoted in a Chinese drama[转角遇到爱])

Indeed, we are always surrounded with friends. This is the result of our continuous communication and interaction with the surrounding people. We widen our social circles and maintain healthy and lasting friendship with others.

But what exactly is “Friendship” about?
Illustrate this as a tree with branches. There are branches of jealousy, proud, gossip, care and concern, support and willingness.
Friends can’t be 24/7 by your side but they will mostly be the one who lend their helping hand unconditionally when you were to meet with difficulties or problems.
(Shall not drag too much on friendship)

Love - a powerful force that can drive both evil and good deeds. It is nonetheless a ‘seem-so-simple’ but yet profound thing. In love, you find a new chapter being discovered in your life. You feel the forces in you are stimulating again, pumping your whole body with vigor and liveliness. With the person you deeply love, you see only him in your eyes and nobody else. This love is unpredictable but you hope for ‘eternity’ for you believe that as long as there is trust between two, it will be a love worthwhile. Nothing can break or separate a strong relationship.

However, if one was to compare, friends can be forever but when love is gone, it really will never come back. (At least it implies to most)
Heed my words; love is not an easy task. It needs time and many other elements to maintain. Hence, I hereby wish everyone who had currently found their man or lady to live happily together, cherishing every moment with him or her. (:


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

3/21/2007 09:25:00 PM Y

Post title : FreeDom: Human -> Birds
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: FreeDom: Human -> Birds :[x]

Pardon me to refer Man to Birds. We were given a topic to write in our writing burst today during English lesson – Freedom.

Annie Tan discussed the topic with the whole class and almost everyone contributed. Though I used the technique of imagery, there are also sub topics in it. (If You Can Get My Point)

Most people regard themselves as “Caged Birds”. They have certain constriction and thus unable to do what they exactly want. They have no means to escape from the cage to explore the outside world. They felt life meaningless and dull. Nonetheless, they are powerless to voice out their feelings and opinions. Who would want to be restricted? A bird with colourful feathers and beautiful chirp could no longer brighten up as it loses its meaning to this world. It felt lonely and trapped in this small world. Indeed, freedom can be “a NEED and not a WANT” (quoted by one of my classmate)

Some people consider themselves as “New-born Chicks”. They know nuts about this world and have to be taken care of before they reaches their maturity level and are able to survive on their own; to fly and search for their life. These people claim themselves still ignorant and juvenile. However, the will to learn everything from the scratch enables them to be able to see a clearer picture of the world they are living in before flying on its own. When time ripes, these people flap their wings and soar to greater heights with the knowledge they gained.

Other than the above two kinds of birds, the third one will be those who regard themselves as “Eagles” or “FreeBirds”. They fly blithely in the clear blue sky and appear to be without any worries. They were not restricted in the things they do or say. However, this might cause unpleasant things to happen as well. As they are not guided, they lose oneself and hence resulting in remorse. Do you know FreeBirds are at a higher risk in getting shoot down by bird hunters? Therefore, being a totally ‘free’ person might not be a good thing to be proud of too.

For me, I am more or less the “Caged Birds” type. Somehow, I kind of lost my meaning to study as I am really tired of my school life with lessons ending everyday at approx 5 plus 6. I receive homework and there is as if the whole world above me. There are numerous tests and also the upcoming exam. This year is really a crucial year, but all the extra lessons are bugging me every now and then. I know I am a lazy girl but school is just too much for me. I am certainly not the type that can be under such constriction. *sigh* Maybe I should get use to it.

[Ain’t prepared for this hectic year and future demanding work life]

:: Missing My Dearest Man :: <3


3/21/2007 04:00:00 PM Y

Post title : [x]: Friendship :[x]
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Friendship :[x]

Susan Kramer

"To have a friend, be a friend; be friendly."
As in the word, a friend is like a ship that carries us, abides with us unfailingly, through the calm and rough seas of life.
Is there any purer relationship than friendship? It is unconditional loyalty and love. Friendship is a bond of steadfastness and acceptance that allows us to be who we are, fully, without fear that love will be withdrawn.
Over a lifetime, it is the bond of friendship that allows us to explore our depths with non-judgmental feedback and supportiveness.
Sometimes, the friendship we give is not returned, but we benefit in another way: The process of extending friendship expands our consciousness. While giving and in the afterglow, we feel a sense of connection.
Once we experience the connection we feel while giving with care, we know that it is not just what we receive in life that makes us happy. It is mainly the connection that we feel when our own boundaries of self-centeredness break down through our lovingness, that we feel our internal sense of peace and happiness.

HONESTY in friendship:
Honesty is a quality that allows us to look in the mirror and see the reflection of how we really are. In honesty we see clearly and can make course adjustments. If we live each day in accordance with our conscience, our reflection in the mirror and how others see us will be well-balanced.
Thoughts are forms of energy and produce their exact genetic offspring. Good thoughts produce good; selfish actions lead to repeated dissatisfactions. Just as swimming in cloudy water puts us at risk of facing hurtful obstacles, a cloudy thought process keeps us from viewing and resolving situations clearly.
Congruency between our words, feelings and actions, keeping our intentions for the highest good, breeds happiness in living.
Honest to good feelings with an attitude for the best resolve reap honest to good thoughts and actions.

LOYALTY in friendship:
Loyalty -- doing what one has committed to amidst changing circumstances.
Loyalty is a quality that develops our consciousness. Loyalty leads us deep into a situation, through it, and out the other side -- emerging as a more developed person.
Loyalty is an essential in friendship. Acquaintances become friends through mutual loyalty.
Loyalty is an essential in friendship that has developed into the commitment of hearts between two people. Loyalty in a heart to heart relationship develops mutual trust.
Above all else in this world is friendship, unconditionally given, unconditionally received. And with the addition of love, life is made beautiful. Above all else in this world is loving friendship, unconditionally given, unconditionally received.
Unconditional love -- the best quality of friendship.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

3/20/2007 09:19:00 PM Y

Post title : Lines.
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Line :[x]

Once upon a time, there lived a dim-witted Indian king who had a bunch of intelligent men.

One day, out of the blue, the King decided to test the intelligent men to distinguish the cleverest one. Hence, he seeped into deep thought. After much thinking, he came up with a question.

He ordered his men to gather at the grand hall to wait for his arrival. Before the question is released, every man was full of confident as they had always thought that the king is stupid and that he would not be able to come up with any tricky or difficult question. They laughed.

The King sashayed into the grand hall, took a pen and drew a line on the wall. He then asked, “Dear intelligent men before me, tell me is this line long or short.”

“It’s long!” one immediately answered.
“No!” The King shook his head

Not long? So it should be short! All the other intelligent men quickly fight to answer.
“It’s short! It’s short!”
“No! It’s still incorrect!” the King replied.

As a line can only be either long or short, the men could think of no other answer. They panicked and scratched their head, trying to think of the correct answer.

“So, I see. I have fed a bunch of useless men! How clever are you all exactly?” he laughed heartedly but soon his expression changed. He added, “Since you men are just a bunch of worthless people, I shall waste my resources on you people no more! Guards! Execute them!”

Out of a sudden, an ordinary young man stepped out and said, “This line can be long at times but it can be short too. Nevertheless, it can also be neither long nor short.”
The King was anxious. He never thought that anyone would reply in such a way and as he never had deliberated the exact answer, he flustered. He only intended to use this question to castigate those men who chortled at his stupidity.

Not to show his astonishment, he asked the young man “Please explain yourself.”
The young man walked up to the King and requested the King to allow him to draw other lines on the wall. He drew a longer line than the one the King had drawn, a shorter line and a line that is exactly the same length as that of the King’s.

“Please take a look at these lines! When there is only one line on the wall, it is impossible to judge its length. Be it long or short. But when there is another line comparing with it, one can immediately tell whether it is long or short. On the contrary, if the line is compared to a line of the same length, it would be neither long nor short! His Majesty, am I not right to say so?”

The king was astounded by his bright answer and rewarded him a handsome sum of money and ordered the other men to be pulled out for execution. The young man stopped him.

“His Majesty, if you were to behead them, who else could teach the people of your country about your ingenuity? Only with them around, would you be outstanding by your intelligence, isn’t that so?

After listening to the young man’s explanation, the King took back his words. He continued to provide free lodge and food for the intelligent men. But never did he forget to reward the young man.

Moral of the story:
Humans are like this line that the king drew. If comparison doesn’t exist between people, there’s no same level of comparison then the beauty or ugliness of everything or anyone on earth would never be apparent.
Actually, everyone has his or her talent and potential. As long as one is standing at the precise level and position, his or her price would become obvious. However, one should be wise in choosing his or her comparing target. This is because comparing blindly would only result in losing one self.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

3/18/2007 09:42:00 PM Y

Post title : Idiotic SMRT
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: I was SO DAMN PISSED! :[x]
Why nowadays bus drivers are asking the same question when one use coins instead of EZ link card for rides? Arghhs~~
Wonder why buses or any other related to SMRT are getting more high-tech and advance? Where did they receive the money from? Have you ever wonder so?
If not I shall add a tinkling into your head.
First, we use EZ-links instead of old times “fare card” which you have to insert it into the machine and retrieve it back again with a bus ticket.(I find it rather fun n cool though.MissIt!Lols)
Ez-Links are said to be more effective. Conversely, the SMRT are pretty “SMART” too ya!? They eat into our money when people forget to bring out their cards and use coins instead. How many teens of MY age bring IC out? And for god’s sakes, I paid for the rides using coins is cos I FORGET to bring my EZ link card out!!! WTH is it going on in your mind? IF I GOT BRING I WOULDN’T HAVE USE COINS! Bloody ass

I have a CLEAR conscience in admitting my own age and so since I’m really still using CHILDREN fare, I paid for the children fare cost! BUT YOU THESE IDIOTIC BUS DRIVERS ARE ASKING FOR MORE! GET THIS CLEAR INTO YOUR MIND! NOT ALL PPL BRING THEIR ICs OUT AND SO IF THEY FORGET TO BRING EZ LINK CARD, WHAT ELSE YOU WANT THEM TO USE TO PROVE?! It’s not as if I’m one with a child or dyed hair like a graduated student etc etc. If a child who is using coins for his/her rides is paying for the actual children fare, why must you so EXTRA ask for MORE?!!?!?!?!
SMRT made me realizehow they actually gain wealth - Through eating more of people’s money eh? Using one’s forgetfulness too! How cunning can it be?! DAMN!
Nevertheless, I paid $1.60 for that ride back to Jurong station. ONE TRIP FOR AN ADULT IS ALSO NOT THAT MUCH TOO! I’m alighting in a few stops time! Are you trying to tell me I can jolly take the ride to and fro if I find it too much? Arshole! You try that first!
I’m super hot in my head now. Stupid bus drivers who ask me for my identity card and requesting me to pay ADULT FARE! Better not make me see you on the streets, I’ll SHOW you my EZ LINK and PROVE you wrong in asking me to pay adult fare! I’ll make sure you VOMIT out the money and return to me! AND APOLOGISE FOR YOUR IDIOTICNESS! ARSE! >.<


Friday, March 16, 2007

3/16/2007 09:09:00 AM Y

Post title : Cyber World
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Games :[x]

What are Maple Story, Dota, or any other online games about?
I simply don’t have the inkling on why people are so into those fighting of monsters, etc.
Especially Maple Story -- gamers are so into it that they even spend money to buy things in the cyber world. What is going on in their mind? I once thought.

Now, I was introduced to this game called Ghost Online and 02Jam. Ghost online is a game somewhat similar to Maple and 02Jam is like those Beat Mania machines in arcades. I played and maybe due to certain influences, I enjoyed the game and did not find it too bad after all. I came to realize that games are actually a good bridge to more interesting communication among people. Even my uncle who is I think at his 20s 30s played Maple?? So why should I ponder over the reason for them playing games so often? Well, games also help distress like many may protest right? It is no doubt that games can help one forget ‘bout troubles and problems in reality and indulge themselves in cyber world. However, being too obsessed in it is not a good thing too! There is always a limit to cyber world ‘cos things in reality would not wait for you to resolve or do when you’re in cyber world. Hence, I hope I would not be too addicted in online games either since this year is my crucial year too. ^^

Anyway, this week is school holiday but things ain’t as relaxing as one can imagine it to be. I have got school on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and as usual, Saturday. Holidays are no longer relaxation but piles of holiday assignments and remediation/supplementary lessons. *sigh* How I wish this year could end quickly!!!!!

I am really missing me HUBBY damn lots now. Think he is still in his lalaland as we turn in to bed quite late yesterday night too. Shall end my post here! Misses.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

3/14/2007 07:47:00 PM Y

Post title : [x]: Our Love :[x]
You'll never know the real me.

[x]: Our Love :[x]

The sweetness of love shall never be described fully in words.
Therefore, what I can comment about US is simply “Doing Fine”

One may question how deep this affection of ours is;
Or maybe how much have we gone through;
Or perhaps will we overcome all obstacles?

Truly, no one is clear of the future ahead.
“You have got a bright future!” have you ever heard this told to you or to the people around you? Is it a bright future for LOVE or just career? Think carefully.

What makes an everlasting love? Like the definition of love – undefined.
Some says it is a habit, a habit of relying on the other part.
But I say it is a mixture of love, habit, reliance, tolerance and understanding towards the other party. Of course, there are more factors one can consider into.

Ever heard of “suan1(sour) tian(sweet) ku(bitter) la(spicy)?”
This is the taste of love. (at least to me)
Why would one say that love is not 'bout jealousy?
Why would one smell of happiness when in love?
Why would one protest that love brings hatred and tears?
Why would one feel each day a brand new day with unexpected surprises?

Every 'lil move, we’re observed. Like animals, human watch the actions and behavior of our partner like a dominating meal with the fear of losing it to the enemy. Nevertheless, we ensure that the other “animal” won’t snatch it away from you. This is jealousy.

When we’re with the loved one, we seem to be in cloud nine where troubles disappear and vanish into the thin air. A simple “I Love You” could make one smile happily throughout the whole day. This is Love’s Sweetness.

Quarrels, disagreements, misunderstandings and even break-ups cause misery. Tears cascading like it had never been before and the heart seemed to be pierced a million times by a sharp dagger. How bitter are you feeling?

Valentines’ Day, Anniversaries or any other days in the year, will you surprisingly receive lovely gifts from your partner or experience ‘pop ups’ at your school gate or office to fetch you home? I bet so. This spices up your life.

With the above should I sum up my love for him is somewhat similar to what I have mentioned ya! ^. ^ There are sweet moments but there are also sad scenes. Whatever it is, I know, I needa cherish what we hold in our hands now – LOVE

I Love My Man Dearly. <3



W A Y N E - NingNing
Take Me For Whom I Portrayed To Be.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.

I'm the only witness
and the only person who can judge my life.

This is my blog so SCRAM if you hate it.


I don't wanna be COMPARED no more!

I wanna earn lotsa $$$

I wanna marry HIM and have his KIDS

I wanna live on my own - preferbly with my Boy

I wanna be RESPECTED

I wanna shop like a Rich Lady





MY Baby BOY - GlennHoCjinXieng

I prayed on that silent night for someone to share my life..and there you are..

Life is never gonna be the same ever since you entered into my life..

Obstacles that might come in our way, I believe we'll pull it through together

Vows and promises I made to you.. I swear they'll be true..

Ever since I have fallen so deep in love with you, I know I can't resist to love you more each day.

U are my future.. my love.. my ONLY one..

My Precious GIRLs :





big time SELFISH people

people who go for FACE and FIGURE

people who ALWAYS loves to JUDGE others
( occasional gossips are fine =D )








